Lovell Family Dentistry

Scaling & Root Planing

Scaling and root planing is a non-surgical periodontal treatment aimed at removing dental plaque, tartar (calculus), and bacteria from the surfaces of the teeth and roots below the gumline.

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Here are six benefits of scaling and root planing:

Treatment of Gum Disease

Scaling and root planing are highly effective treatments for gum disease (periodontitis). By removing plaque and calculus from below the gumline, these procedures help eliminate harmful bacteria and prevent further progression of the disease.

Reduction of Gum Inflammation

Scaling and root planing help reduce inflammation and swelling of the gums caused by bacterial infection. By eliminating bacterial toxins and irritants from periodontal pockets, these procedures alleviate gum discomfort, tenderness, and bleeding.

Preservation of Tooth Structure

Scaling and root planing help preserve the supporting structures of the teeth, including the gum tissue and underlying bone. By removing plaque and calculus deposits that contribute to gum disease, these procedures prevent further damage to the periodontium and reduce the risk of tooth loss.

Improvement of Oral Health

Scaling and root planing contribute to overall oral health by reducing bacterial load and infection in the periodontal tissues. By promoting a healthier oral environment, these procedures help prevent systemic health issues associated with gum disease, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes complications.

Prevention of Tooth Mobility

Scaling and root planing help stabilize teeth affected by gum disease and prevent excessive mobility or looseness. By removing bacterial biofilm and calculus deposits from root surfaces, these procedures enhance tooth stability and support, reducing the risk of tooth mobility and eventual loss.

Maintenance of Aesthetic Appearance

Scaling and root planing can improve the aesthetic appearance of the smile by reducing gum inflammation, bleeding, and swelling associated with gum disease. By promoting gum tissue health and contouring, these procedures contribute to a healthier and more attractive smile.

What is scaling and root planing?

Dental scaling and root planing, often referred to as deep cleaning, is a common non-surgical procedure performed by dental professionals to treat gum disease (periodontitis) and improve overall gum health.

Overall, dental scaling and root planing are essential treatments for managing gum disease and preventing its progression to more advanced stages.

By removing plaque, tartar, and bacterial biofilm from the teeth and roots, these procedures help restore gum health, stabilize the teeth, and promote long-term oral well-being. It's essential for individuals with signs of gum disease, such as gum inflammation, bleeding, or periodontal pockets, to seek prompt dental evaluation and treatment to prevent further complications.

How do we do it?

This will be accomplished by way of evaluating radiographs, periodontal probings and clinical exams. Severity of the patients overall periodontal status is based on the amount of bone loss and the amount of bacteria built up on the tooth called calculus. If the calculus buildup presence is significant enough to where a normal cleaning will not remove it, scaling and or root planning may be necessary.

Dental scaling occurs with manual hand instruments and ultrasonic instruments. The ultrasonic scaling device is used to eliminate plaque bacteria with sonic vibrations. The ultrasonic scaling device removes calculus, plaque and biofilm from the teeth surfaces and underneath the gum line.

A manual instrument may then be used to remove the remainder. Root planing involves detailed scaling of the root surface to decrease inflammation of the gum tissue and to smooth out rough target areas, eliminating plaque and biofilm development.